Saturday, August 16, 2008

Morgan Turned 3

WOW!! It's crazy to think it's already been three years!! We had Morgan's Birthday party at Storybook Island, she turned 3 August 8th. My sister and her husband were in town for the weekend so we also went to the Sturgis Rally. This was Morgan's first rally and she loved it, we are in trouble the older she gets because her birthday will always fall during the rally. Today we took Morgan to the Central States Fair which is a RIP OFF! In order to ride the rides you have to buy tickets which are $1/ticket and the rides were anywhere from $3 to $5. Five dollars for less then a minute??? Oh well she enjoyed the rides and at one point she said "there are lots of crazy people here Mom". She was exactly right, the fair brings out Rapid City's finest! Well I guess that is the update from the last couple of weeks. My pregnancy is progressing but not as fast as I would like:) I am feeling HUGE and running out if room!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Birthday Weekend

Well it was Ben's birthday on Sat. he turned the big 28!! We had a great dinner in Spearfish with some family and friend's. I wonder if he ever thought he would be married with two children at 28?? I will have to ask him:) It is officially the 68th Sturgis Rally, it sure doesn't feel very busy this year which is great for people that are not really into the Rally and think it just causes traffic jam's everywhere! I can't believe it is August already this summer has flown and the best part is we get to meet our son Henry in 8wks or less! Well I am going to post a few recent photo's of Morgan. Have a great week!